At dawn, the following day, I would be getting off the train off to find myself faced with landscapes that were brand new to my eyes... I should have been delighted but I was thinking of Josephine, my beautiful Josephine ! Would she regret her decision to stay behind? I was on the dole and she would have liked to be rich. I believe, even poor we would have known how to cope, Josephine would have known how to dress, how to look, how to smile as rich people do. Had we been rich, we would have been tactful and discreet enough and would have avoided showing it off. We would have forgotten our wealth and would not have taken any pride in it. We would have enjoyed it tremendously. We would have enjoyed walking, eating out, shopping, buying clothes, living to the full. The life would have been an art of living.
D’après George Goldilocks ( Good night, my Josephine)
© Jean Piètre-Cambacédès & Christian Meunier